Recruitment Agency Saudi Arabia

Why BMO is the Reliable Recruitment
Agency For Saudi Arabia?


Bait ul Mamoor Overseas is a reliable recruitment agency in Pakistan with over 10 years of experience working with employers in Saudi Arabia. There are many employment opportunities in Saudi Arabia. Our team is well-versed in international recruitment standards, making us a top choice for Saudi Arabia companies. Whether you need blue-collar workers or IT staffing, our recruitment process ensures we find the best candidate for your needs.

Extensive HR Data base from Pakistan,
India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Philippines & Bangladesh

Instant Deployment with 10 Days

Trusted by 50 + Companies across the

10 Years of Service

Member: Pakistan
Italy Business Council
 of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry

We deliver the
Talent you need, Quickly.


Finding the right resources for your company can be challenging, especially when hiring for blue-collar jobs from another country. But with Bait ul Mamoor Overseas, a reliable recruitment agency of Asia with its presence in Pakistan, you can rest assured. Our vast digital HR database enables us to provide the right human resources quickly. We’re not just another recruitment agency; we also provide employment opportunities in Saudi Arabia we’re approved by all relevant governing bodies ensuring legal compliance every step of the way.

For over four decades, we’ve been the trusted recruitment agency from Asia for
prestigious Saudi companies, serving as their go-to partner.

Process of Recruitment for Saudi Arabia

Identify the Employer Requirement

After receiving the Demand Letter and the Job Details from the Employer, our next step mainly involves obtaining the permissions from the relevant state
departments to proceed with the specified job.

Job Announcement & Talent Screening

With our extensive in-house database of skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers and strategic media campaigns, we shortlist candidates through preliminary interviews and trade tests.

Selection, Training & Departure


After final selection, our experts provide pre-departure trainings on relevant
country laws, regulations and culture to ensure a seamless transition and
experience for both employer and employee.



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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

